Move Better, Feel Better, Perform Better

Do you want to Move Better, Feel Better or Perform Better? 

Geran Stapleton - Professional Motocross Rider. Geran has had his fair share of injuries throughout his professional career but through the help of a Pace EP, a rehabilitation and strength and conditioning program he is back up and racing better than ever.

Our Accredited Exercise Physiologist’s will help guide you through a long term plan, designed to help you reduce your injury risk and optimise your performance. Our programs focus on improving how you move, via the development of a specific action plan, based on findings in your initial assessment. When we move better we feel better, and we have the potential to perform better. Our training programs are focused on developing the basic foundations of movement, with particular focus placed on improving movement patterns to improve movement efficiency and performance potential.


These programs are suitable for:

Junior Athlete Development

Learn to Move Program 14 years +

Games Based & Corrective Based Exercise Programs 4-14 years old

Amateur to Professional Athlete Development

Return to Sport/ Life following Injury or Inactivity